Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Why I don't write more often

Soooo...here's the deal. I've decided (after over a month of not writing, I know) that the reason my subconscious man won't let me write more often is the following: if I did write regularly, say weekly, this Man Blog would become a Woman Blog. You see, dear readers, the essence of the female species of the blog is that it gets updated with every life event--baby births, family trips, personal bloopers, weird tonails etc. However, the male blog thrives on spontaniety, randomness, unpredictability, and inconsistency. Thus, in staying true to what makes my blog a Man Blog, I must refrain from writing regularly.

And by the way, my wife is wrong--every time I blog it is definities not always about why I don't blog more often. This blog is most definitely not any kind of justification or rationalization. So there you go.
